Kids and camping go hand in hand. There is a natural playground for kids to explore while the adults enjoy the outdoors as well. One thing to keep in mind is to keep kids comfortable. Their comfort directly relates to their experience and will keep them wanting more. Much to the tune of adults, if …
On average, a person takes approximately 2,000 steps to travel a distance of one mile. If you think about the uneven surfaces, roots, rocks, and other debris along the hiking trail, the number of steps increases exponentially. With such a long journey ahead, choosing the right socks can actually play a huge role in keeping …
Sleeping bags are essential. A warm, quality sleeping bag is more critical. I think we can all relate to a time where the sleeping bag was not sufficient. Most of the time, the sleeping bag did not keep you warm enough or got too wet. Without a good night’s sleep, repeating outdoor adventures is difficult …
Family tents are getting as sophisticated as the demand for family tents rises. In the past, large canvas tents or 3 bedroom tents were on the market. Now, large, strong, well-designed tents are available for people looking to enter the larger tent market or for folks looking to upgrade their existing tents. As with any …
You never know when the urge to go adventuring might strike, or when your car will break down and leave you stranded in the middle of somewhere that looks a whole lot like nowhere. Being prepared can make a huge difference when a situation arises. As every situation cannot be planned for, having specific items …
Getting outfitted isn’t cheap and it can be stressful. You want the best you can afford. It’s easy to spend thousands and thousands of dollars. Sometimes that’s necessary, but not always. Sometimes you need good quality; not the best. The key is finding the best outdoor apparel for your needs. There’s no shortage of brands …
Skiing can put quite a toll on your feet since you are spending all day going up a mountain, whizzing downhill, and sending snow flying with your snowboards. This is why it is important to protect your feet from the cold or else you will definitely end up with sore feet, or worse; frostbite. Ski …
The outdoor gear industry has exploded into many arenas. From car camping needs to backpacking tents that weigh almost nothing, there is something for everyone. Just a few decades ago, this was not the case. You had a choice of one tent brand and one type of sleeping bag. This got you outdoors so you …
Sleeping on the ground is a deal-breaker for many outdoor enthusiasts. Getting used to a comfortable bed does not bode well for the idea of sleeping on a 1-inch piece of foam with some air around it. On the other hand, innovations made in the sleeping pad industry lesson the gap between the comfortable mattress …
The origin of fire dates back over 100,000 years ago. The significance of fire to humankind is endless. It allows for warmth, cooking, socializing, and extending a typical day beyond sunlight hours. Additional contributions of fire include cooking meat to kill bacteria harmful to humans, provided venues for groups to gather and socialize (some consider …
Anyone who spends enough time in the wilderness knows that a compass can be your best friend. If you’re ever lost deep in the woods, a compass alone will not save you, however. You’ll need to know basic orienteering and have an understanding of how this indispensable tool operates. Let’s acknowledge the basic parts of a compass before moving …
In a sense, fire is essential to survival. It means light, warmth, the ability to cook food, and even keeping away predators in the wilderness. For our ancestors, harnessing fire was a turning point that shaped the future of humanity. Nowadays, we come by fire pretty easily with matches and lighters, but what if you …
People love to over-prepare… Especially when they don’t have to. While it’s often better to “have and not need” than “need and not have,” there’s got to be a breaking point somewhere. If we really wanted to have every last thing with us on the trail, we’d never take a single step – we’d have …
The power of the outdoors is strong enough that many of us may even leave our phones behind. But sometimes, the smartphone can be the window to better navigation and adventures. The outdoor community has utilized the smartphone as a powerful tool so that you can hike faster, smarter, and safer. Many people have turned …
Can you carve an honest-to-goodness fulfilling outdoor adventure out of a single weekend? Most work schedules are Monday through Friday, which only leaves the weekend for adventures. Juggling between personal errands, having fun, and some downtime before the next work week, 2 days is barely enough to maintain life. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast working …
What happens when the dedicated outdoor enthusiast begins raising a family? You might think that this is when the gear gets put away, the bikes and backpacks start collecting dust, and you get overly familiar with your sofa. Take heart: it does not have to be this way! When families are just beginning, extracurricular adventures take an obvious …
Welcome to our special gallery featuring a collection of the greatest beaches of the Caribbean to help with your ultimate Caribbean beach vacation! We’re very proud to present the best of the best beautiful tropical beaches, featuring both some of the most popular beaches you’ve probably heard of and some of the more private, isolated …
Winter adventures can be an incredible amount of fun. They are a way to see the outdoors as many people never do – caught in snowy stasis among beautifully iced-over lakes and leafless trees – but there’s also a downside… The harsh reality is that winter weather can be quite threatening, and a lack of …
You know you’ve got the camping bug – you love that smell of bonfire smoke on your clothes, bathing in a stream, that feeling of rolling out of bed into the crisp morning air… But is there really such thing as being TOO in love with camping? We’ll go out on a limb and say …
Have you been thinking of mountain climbing but have no idea where to begin? Are you experienced yet looking for a new challenge and a fresh perspective? We’re sharing today our thoughts and ideas about the best climbing mountains in the Pacific Northwest. We’re focusing on the opportunities and challenges, the risks and rewards, of …
If you’re simply tired of your local area and want to explore new places, you might be considering a flight somewhere. Outdoor adventures do not have to break the bank, especially if there are areas you want to explore outside of your home town. Knowing flights can save vacation time, there are ways you can …